Social Media Content

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One of our major goals is challenging fake news and disinformation. 

We create social content such as videos, animations, short movies and fact-checking clips to combat the fake news phenomenon. 

On this page you can find the projects we’re currently working on. 

Please share this content on your own social media profiles to support our goal.   



All over the internet, there is content aimed at putting people in certain boxes. To counter this, many efforts have made in trying to debunk these ideas. Unfortunately the counter-narrative approach has not worked.

That is why ORPHEUS has opted to try the alter-narrative approach. This method doesn’t focus on trying to disprove what others say about certain events or people.
The aim here is to consciously bring a story that simply shows the positive things that are happening around the world, involving different cultures, peoples and ideas.

The videos beneath have been launched on our social media platforms, so please don’t forget to share them to raise awareness. 

Online Safety

The increasing presence of the internet in our lives brings along quite a few challenges. One the major ones is maintaining online safety. People with malign intents roam the internet to find vulnerable victims whom they can take advantage of easily.

This includes grooming, propaganda, security breaches, etc. In an effort to limit the effects of such endeavors, ORPHEUS is trying to raise awareness through different channels, of which one is short info-videos.

Share these videos with your dear ones and social network to be a part of this movement! 


There is a quote usually attributed to Mark Twain which goes: “ A lie can travel
around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” There is reason to doubt that Mark Twain ever said this at all, which ironically proves the point.

Now more than ever, fake news and misinformation are effecting our lives.
Phenomenons like circular reporting and false user-generated content are
feeding our hunger for quick answers.

ORPHEUS has created short infographics to raise awareness on these events and make people, especially youth, more resilient against these influences. 

Enforce our efforts by sharing these videos through your own accounts and help make the world a more truthful place.